Saturday, July 30, 2011


   Since it appears that both the Whitehouse and Congress are oblivious to the will of the people being expressed in this new world of the internet it's time that the American Voter take a lesson from history.  A lesson from the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam Era Anti-War Protest and converge on Washington in a peaceful manner to get our point across and effect change. 

   In the past year we have seen such peaceful protest around the world make a difference and force change in many countries.  Has the internet made Americans so lazy that they will only sit at their keyboards and complain?  Prehaps it is time we join together, load up a few thousand buses and sit on the steps of the capitol.  Prehaps it is time we organize and exercise our right to peaceful protest in the real world.

   Granted the internet has given us a unparalled opportunity to express our opinions and communicate with people around the world.  However opinions expressed online do little to effect change when those leading our nation simply have such opinions placed in a spam folder for deletion.  As we have recently witnessed in civil protest around the world the internet does provide a vehicle to organize a unified voice of civil protest across all nations.  A voice that is not bound by political parties and ineffective political leaders.

   If the American voters unified across the nation on a single day and converged in peaceful protest in Washington and major cities across the United States in a unified peaceful voice we would be heard.  If congress will not rise above partisian politics unified Americans can.  The internet is a beautiful tool for organization but a very ineffective one for actual change.  A million voters on the Washington Mall carries more power than a billion emails or blogs.  Have we become so lazy and so complacient that we find the internet our only voice? 

   Prehaps it's time we return to the foundation of our independence and take to the streets as an organized, peaceful and unified voice demanding real change now.

Friday, July 29, 2011



The Great American Budget Fiasco

Budget Crisis Fiasco In Washington

Now I don't choose any one political party or group to follow. I consider myself a true independent. I vote for whoever I feel I can trust to fill the office for which they are seeking. I am a consertive liberal that believes too much too fast is a good thing. I hold common sense as the best attribute any elected offical can possess.

This whole budget crisis fiasco in Washington is like watching a bunch of kids fighting over who will be "it" in a game of hide and seek.  Though a default on our nation's debt is possible I don't see that very probable.  For any one party or branch of our government to allow that to happen would be political suicide. The American voter is already fed up with their childish behavior to allow a default would have dire consequences in the voting boot next year for everyone involved. 

This is all about putting Obama in his place and reminding him he is not an emperior. He has run roughshod since setting foot in the oval office with his delusions of grandure. What gets me is the repeated fear based retoric our national community leader spouts in press conference after press conference.  The only positive thing to come out of this fiasco is at least Air Force One is staying on the ground. 

As great man once said, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself".  The real fear we are seeing is Obama's fear of being a one term wonder with a legacy of failure far greater than any of his predecessors.

Uncle Joe

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Uncle Joe Goes To Washington

Like most Americans over the years I have become very concerned about the size of the federal government.  For over half a century I have watched as Washington slowly but surely usurped the rights of individual states and has grown in size to the point that we now face bankrupcy as result of years of spending beyond our means.

For decades I have watched as the Oval Office was disgraced by both republican and democratic presidents.  From Watergate, to Monica and a few in between.  Both parties have given us presidents that are embarrassing to our nation.   Today we have a president who has spent us broke with failed economic recovery programs.  A president how has repeatedly failed to listen to the American voter with his self imposed national healthcare fiasco.  A president who has spent more time giving speeches and flying around the world on Air Force One than any other president in my lifetime.  As a voter I am outraged by his insensitivity to the plight of poor and middle class Americans.  Those citizens who can't afford a family vacation to Disneyworld much less take a family vacation to Hawaii and Spain.

It's time the American Voter cast their ballot for real change in Washington.  Professional politicians and millionaire presidents have failed us time and time again.  We need change to a common sense president and not another party loyalist be that republican, democrat or independent.  We need a "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington type of president in the Oval Office that will do what is best for the nation and not a party or reelection bid.

We have all heard that the definition of insanity is when a person does something over and over with the same results while each time expecting a different result.  Look where voting along party lines has gotten us today.  It's time we escape the insanity and try something different if we want a different result.

"Escape the Insanity Join The Taxpayer Rebellion"