This whole budget crisis fiasco in Washington is like watching a bunch of kids fighting over who will be "it" in a game of hide and seek. Though a default on our nation's debt is possible I don't see that very probable. For any one party or branch of our government to allow that to happen would be political suicide. The American voter is already fed up with their childish behavior to allow a default would have dire consequences in the voting boot next year for everyone involved.
This is all about putting Obama in his place and reminding him he is not an emperior. He has run roughshod since setting foot in the oval office with his delusions of grandure. What gets me is the repeated fear based retoric our national community leader spouts in press conference after press conference. The only positive thing to come out of this fiasco is at least Air Force One is staying on the ground.
As great man once said, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself". The real fear we are seeing is Obama's fear of being a one term wonder with a legacy of failure far greater than any of his predecessors.
Uncle Joe
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